Where does her destiny lie? Through her painful past, her clouded future, or her tainted present, can she peer into the crystal ball for her destiny? What does she see or does she even want to look? On the horizon is there a sunset, painted in the magical colors of love and happiness for her to find hope? Is destiny something she has any control over or has it been mapped out from before the dawn of time, written in the stars? Is there any choice in her destiny?

She believes in destiny and the question in her soul keeps crying out, seeking the answer, are you my destiny?

Across the eternal skies
Across the centuries
From the beginning of time
The wind blows your name
Whispering in my ears
My heart quickens with the sound
And echoes within my soul
Feeling your touch
On my skin
Your kiss on my lips
Your arms to protect
Your love to ride the wind
Into forever
Among the stars
Feeling your heart
Beating inside me
Sharing the same breath
Are you my destiny?
………………… an abused angel

Destiny and her soul mate, is their a special someone out there for her? Is there only one out there who was picked from before the beginning of time to make her complete? She believes there is, at least in her dreams and deep in her soul. She painted his portrait in her mind, has felt his whisper in her heart and waited her whole life to taste his first kiss.

You are the answer
To all my questions
The missing part inside
My forever Prince
The truth for my doubts
The light for my darkness
The joy for my sorrow
My best friend
Who can understand my moods
My emotions
And read my thoughts
Who can bring out the best in me
The magic song inside
The poetry from my heart
Painted in my canvas of destiny
With fairy tale colors
You are my portrait of love
……………….. an abused angel

She longs for that unique one who would make her complete, who she could totally open herself up with. Someone she can honestly share her heart, soul and spirit with and not feel afraid. She wonders, is it every possible to stand before someone open, naked, or is that only in dreams?

Naked I come before you
Afraid, but wanting you to see
Openly all that I am
To see the real me.
Seeking to share a trust
An openness to explore
All that we are together
Sharing more and more and more.
Until inside - out you know me
May the sharing never be done
Heart, soul, spirit, and life
Until we have become ONE.
……………….. an abused angel

Becoming one, can this really happen outside of dreams and fantasies? Such a love and trust between two people where two hearts are beating as one. She willingly admits, yes, this is the destiny I want. She longs for a love who will sweep her off her feet.

Come sweep me off my feet
On the wings of your love
On a trip around the world
Soaring in the heavens above.
To make me feel so special
Like I'm the only one
And stay with me forever
So I'll never feel alone.
Wrap your love around me
Yet give me freedom to be free
To help so I can grow
To be the best I can be.
Lift me up when I am down
And listen when I share
Let me know I make you happy
And for me always be there.
……………….. an abused angel

Yes, she wants someone to make her feel special, to take away her loneliness and stay with her forever. She longs for someone to wrap her safely in his love, yet allow her to be herself. Someone who will openly listen, lift her up when she struggles, tells her how happy she makes him and will always be there. In her dreams he is there, but sometimes there are no dreams and some dreams he is missing. Always being there seems to only relate to her pain, which drains away her dreams or anything good from her life. She is tired, longing to escape into a fantasy with a sunset and a walk on the beach with someone who will touch her soul and help her ease the pain.

I met you at sunset
And we walked along the beach
I don't know which was more beautiful
But both seemed out of reach.
Colors so amazing
They warmed this traveler's heart
I just wanted to stay
To feel and enjoy a part.
My soul could feel the touch
A special intimacy that day
As if they were just for me
To brighten up my way.
I didn't want to leave
But soon the beauty gone
Leaving only memories
To help my journey along.
Both I will remember
On all those days of rain
To fill my heart with beauty
And help me ease the pain.
………………… an abused angel

Where does her destiny lie? Right now there is pain and darkness and it is hard to believe there will ever be a love that can chase away the darkness and ease the pain? If she found it, could it be hers or would it all require too much risk



Chapter 16 "Without You"


Table of Contents