Poetry Page 2


Built On Solid Ground

Burdens Of Life

Butterfly Grove

Butterfly Light

Butterfly Reflection

By The Light of A Silvery Moon

By The Light Of The Moon

By The Light Of A Golden Moon

Changed By The Power Of God

Cherry Blossom Lullaby

Childhood Lost


Christ Became Sin For Us

Christ's Love

Close Your Eyes

Clothe Yourself In Humility

Cloud Reflections

Colors Of Autumn

Come And Follow Me

Come Out Of Past

Come To The Forgiveness Ball

Consider It Joy To Face Trials

Copy Cats Are Boring

Cosmic Sky

Count Our Blessings

Creation Of Color

Creator In All His Glory
Creator's Masterpiece

Crown Of Thorns

Dance, Dance, Dance

Dance Like No One Is Watching

Dancing In The Rain

Darkened Skies

Darkness Is Tempory, He's Not

Dealing With Trouble

Deny Self & Follow Jesus

Depend On His Power

Disappointment In  Fallen World

Discouraged, But Blessed

Do Everything In Love

Do I know The God Who Exists?

Doing The Will Of The Father

Do I Want To Be Like Jesus?

Do Not Worry About Anything

Don't Be Fooled By Hell's Fury

Don't Get Caught In The World

Poetry Pages

Children (coming)